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Introbio - Refuge Buzzoni (Introbio - Rifugio Buzzoni)

General Notes:

Altitude Difference: 955 m

Time: 2h e 40'

Phisical Effort: Normal

Difficulty: E


This trail starts from the little city of Introbio in Valsassina, in Delle Ville Street; in order to reach the starting point you have to follow from Lecco the street to Ballabio and than to Introbio, enter in the little city and follow the indication for "Val Biandino", at the end of the street you will find an access control barrier that doesn'allow to continue; at this point you can park the car on the edge of the street, or in case of full, you can park 100m below from this point.


The little dirt road that continus from the access control barrier, can be use only from people with special permission, nut we have to follow this road only for 10', till when we find a signal with the indication of Rifugio Buzzoni, we turn on right and follow another dirt road that conduct us to a couple of hut.



We have to follow always this dirt road that conduct us in a beautiful forest of chestnut and birch.


While we are climbing alond this road we can find a litlle path next to a hairpin, we can follow this path that allows us to avoid to run all the dirt road and allow us to decrease the lenght of the trip.



At the end of this short path we will find again the dirt road and follow it again for almost 300m till we will reach a couple of hut, where we will cross the river thanks two little bridge.



Once cross the second bridge, we will follow a little trail that goes through a pinewood with high slope. This part of the trip is quite hard, the slope is hard and we will gain elevation in few times. We will find only for few meters a flat part that conduct us to a wood bridge.



Once through this little bridge we will enter into a beech forest, where the slop becomes hard again, we climb into this forest till we will reach a ridge, where the trail turn on left and in almost 1' we will reach the Alpe Tee.



At Alpe Tee we will meet the trail that comes from Barzio and we will find a signal that indicates 40' left to reach the refuge, from now the trail becomes quite easy, with short climb and short flat moment. We will meet also some rivers that we can cross without any problem.


Only in the last 100 meters the trail become quite hard again with high slope, but we will reach the refuge without problem. The landscape is quite beautiful and we can see in front of us, the amazing Grignone and also the Grignetta.


